The summer project will provide a fantastic opportunity to explore Drama and Theatre in more detail! We would like you to focus on the four compulsory modules outlined below.
Below are some activities we’d like you to complete before you join us in September. These involve finding out about venues, watching theatre, reading plays and researching theatre practitioners. As a theatre-lover you will be doing some of these anyway, but here are just a few ideas of things you could be doing that will give you a head-start once here at Hills.
There are only four compulsory things we’d like you to do:
Research into key practitioners
All of those listed here have been used by our A level drama students to support their practical work in the last two years. Please choose one of these practitioners who is new to you to research for your Practitioner factsheet, which is in the Downloads section below.
Please refer to these digital resources as part of your Summer Work preparation.
No textbook required at this point.