students dancing
Study with us

Dance summer work


Welcome to the Dance course. We are delighted that you will be joining us in September! We have an exciting and stimulating course waiting for you.

The work

There are lots of things you can do to prepare for the course, so that you feel ready and confident to start, and the list below should help guide you.

1. WRITE – Please complete this work for September and bring it with you on the first day of term.

a) Choose three practitioners from the list below and watch one work, or excerpt, for each.

Practitioners to choose from:

  • Matthew Bourne
  • Akram Khan
  • Jasmin Vardimon
  • Hofesh Schechter
  • Bob Fosse
  • Gene Kelly – Singing in the Rain
  • Jerome Robbins
  • Arthur Saint-Leon – Coppelia
  • August Bournonville

b) Write a review of each piece. Include the following information:

  • what the piece is about;
  • the style of movement;
  • the aural setting (what you hear – music, dialogue, sounds);
  • physical setting (what you see – set, props, lighting, costume);
  • performance environment (where is it performed – for film, theatre, studio etc).

c) Comment on what you found interesting and why. Was there anything unusual or innovative that you’d not seen before?

d) Then complete the same task for a work/choreographer of your choice, not on the list above. These four reviews must:

  • be handwritten*
  • be at least one side of A4 paper per work
  • have your name at the top
  • be handed in during your first lesson in September.

*unless you have a study need to use a laptop

Digital resources

No digital resources are available at this point.

Recommended course book

No textbook required at this point.

Also in this section