Students at computers
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Computer Science summer work


Computer Science is a creative, practical subject applying problem-solving techniques to the real world. The principles applied to problem-solving with a computer have resonance with all systems, artificial (i.e. digital) and real.

The work

We want you to be as prepared as you can be for your sixth-form studies at Hills Road and recommend the activities for you to complete in the Computer Science summer worksheet, available to download below, as part of that preparation.

Some of you will have been taking the GCSE Computer Science so this will also provide a good way to revise some of that content, hone your skills and brush up on your knowledge in preparation for a fresh start in September!

The programming language we will be using throughout the A level Computer Science course is C#. Whether you are familiar with C# or not, it will be beneficial to take at least one of the free online courses linked at the bottom of the page.

Please keep a copy of all answers to the tasks below so you can share them in September. For the programming tasks please take a screenshot of the finished program working.

There are four tasks from the worksheet we would like you to complete:

  • About you
  • Thinking about data
  • Programming
  • Reading (Optional Task)

Digital resources

Please refer to these digital resources as part of your Summer Work preparation.

Recommended course book

Book title




Digital version



Students will receive free access to an on-line version of the textbook for the duration of the course. Students may wish to purchase a copy for home use, but this is not essential.

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