Here is the most up-to-date information we have for this year's exams results for Hills Road students.
A level results will be issued via email from 08:00 on Thursday 15 August 2024. For 2024 leavers, this will be your College email, which is kept open for the results period to enable ease of contact.
For private candidates (including re-sitters) results will be emailed to the personal email you supplied when you applied to sit exams.
You do not need to come to College to collect results. Please allow time after 08:00 for your results email to come through. We send over 1400 sets of results and email traffic is high on results day.
The initial email will show the overall grade for the subject, as this is what we receive from the awarding body in the first instance. As soon as we can, we will send a follow-up email showing the marks achieved per paper/component, so please keep checking your email.
GCSE/iGCSE results for exams taken at Hills Road will be issued on Thursday 22 August in the same way as A levels.
Results for STEP university entrance exams are accessed directly by candidates using the PIN number already issued to you. These will be available on 15 August.