Robert is an alumnus of Hills Road who studied Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Further Maths. In March 2023, he competed in the British Biology Olympiad. He was later selected from over 13,000 students to become a member of the UK team that participated in the International Biology Olympiad. Robert managed to take home a gold medal, despite not having studied the subject at A level – a massive achievement indeed!
A huge congratulations to Robert Halliday who received a gold medal at the International Biology Olympiad (IBO) that took place in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
Four students representing the UK were awarded medals at the competition, however, Robert was the only person on the team to achieve the gold medal!
There were 320 students from over 80 countries who participated in this year’s IBO. Robert and the rest of the UK team were selected from over 13,000 students who took part in the British Biology Olympiad in March.
While being selected for the UK team is already an incredible achievement, it’s made even more impressive as Robert, who is in Year 13, did not study Biology at A Level!
During the competition, the team sat both practical and theoretical examinations, which covered topics in biochemistry, ecology, microbiology and physiology. Students also took part in a social programme that included a tour of Al Ain and Dubai.
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