Maisie Fraser


Year 13 A level French student Maisie Fraser has been announced as a national runner-up in the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators, an initiative of University of Oxford’s Queen’s College Translation Exchange.

Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators

Maisie translated a passage from the French book At Night All Blood is Black by David Diop.

The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators was created by Charlotte Ryland, founding Director of the Queen’s College Translation Exchange. The competition was inspired by the life and work of the great translator Anthea Bell, who specialised in translating children’s literature, and its aim is to promote language learning across the UK; to inspire creativity in the classroom!

This year’s competition ran across four levels of age groups in four languages; French, German, Mandarin and Spanish and covered all year groups from ages 11 to 18. A team of 30 judges read over 1,000 entries to the competition.

Maisie is studying A level French, Geography and History of Art and she would like to go on to study French and Italian Ab Initio at university after Hills.

This involved trying lots of different words in order to translate both the content and style of the book. In some places, I had to change the structure of the sentence and the words needed were often not a complete literal translation. The whole process was really interesting, and I learnt lots of new French vocab.

Maisie Fraser