Level 3
2 years
Gain an in-depth knowledge of German culture and learn to speak the language fluently. Would you like to speak a foreign language fluently? Perhaps work abroad? Studying German could help make this a reality and equip you with invaluable skills for the future.
GCSE Grade 6 in German.
Applicant is bilingual or has recently lived in a German-speaking country (eligibility will be discussed with the applicant if they are qualified to attend a guidance meeting).
The indicative Minimum Entry Admissions Score for German is 58.
Germany’s society and culture form a core part of the course, from contemporary youth culture and Germany’s role in the EU, to architecture and Epic Theatre.
Through discussions and debates in the classroom, small group work with our native speaker Language Assistant, partner and group work, you will develop your fluency and become better informed on a wide range of issues and topics. There are workshops for individual and group support and extension classes in Year 13 to prepare for university language courses. We have a student-led German Society which arranges lunchtime cultural events, film showings and visiting speakers.
Studying a foreign language will equip you with a range of skills that are invaluable in the world of work. You will become a more informed person and discussions in the classroom will give you a broad perspective on a wide range of issues. You will also gain in-depth knowledge of Germany and German-speaking countries. The lessons will be intellectually stimulating and challenging as well as varied and interesting. You will work individually, in pairs or as part of a group. We attach great importance to your independent study skills, which you will develop to a very high standard.
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