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As Hills Road Sixth Form College marks its 50th anniversary, alumni and current students are being invited to help expand the celebrations with a simple update...

Published on 29/11/2024

As the College rolls out even more exciting 50th anniversary celebrations, alumni of the College are invited to help spread the word - by updating their LinkedIn profiles to include the official Hills Road Sixth Form College page in their Education section.

By adding the official page to their Education profile, alumni will benefit from occasional news from the College on their newsfeed, and will be shown as part of the alumni network tab on the College profile. Connections from their Hills Road cohort should also hopefully be encouraged to do the same - just in time to join in with the planned celebration activities!

In addition to helping the College expand our reach and spread the word about our 50th anniversary, we hope that alumni may see this as an opportunity to tap into a broad network of individuals with a common shared experience

Be proud

It is also a chance for each of our alumni to showcase their own time at the College. Hills Road is proud to be well-known and respected across many employment fields: not only academically, but as a vibrant and supportive community.

Sarah Dadd, Digital Content Executive - and an alumna of the College herself - explains, "Whether an alum attended Hills Road years ago or is part of a more recent cohort, the 50th anniversary offers a lovely opportunity to celebrate being part of the College's story. LinkedIn is an easy place to start!"

50 years of connection

View Hills on LinkedIn

To join our LinkedIn 'alumni' tab:

  1. Open your LinkedIn profile and click the pencil icon in the Education section.
  2. Type Hills Road Sixth Form College in the "School" field and select it from the dropdown menu.
  3. Add any additional details, such as years attended, and save your changes. That's it!