Adult Education Running your own business
Adult Education

Design and Build a WordPress website - Beginners (online)

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    Business courses

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WordPress for Beginners (online)

Learn how to build and design a website on WordPress from scratch. Suitable for students who have no previous experience of setting up a website.

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About the course

The Design and Build a WordPress Website for Beginners course will help students set up hosting for their site, install and build the website they want. Students will learn about layout options and how to manage content so that it conveys meaning effectively.

The Design and Build a WordPress Website for Beginners is a beginner-level course so students are not expected to have worked with WordPress before. The course will take place on Teams. Students will need to pay for their domain name and hosting (approximately £50 per year) in addition to the course fees. Students should have a credit or debit card to hand during the first session.

More information about Adult Education courses

To book a course, you will need to register online by clicking on the day you would like to attend. Please see the course information below the heading ‘Enrol now for the available days’.

If no days are available

If there are no places available, you can register your interest and we will notify you once the course is live in a future term.


Payment is made in full at the time of booking.

If you are booking a Level 3 or 4 Counselling course, you will be able to pay for this using a Direct Debit, which you will set up before the course starts in September. Please check the relevant course pages for details.

Booking on behalf of someone else

Please register using the student’s correct details including medical conditions, learning support needs and disabilities.