Level 3
2 years
Discover past environments and their impact on Britain's present environment and economic resources. A level Geology will give you an understanding of how the Earth has been formed, why volcanoes and earthquakes occur where they do and how resources have been created over geological time and can be developed for our benefit.
GCSE grade 6 in Mathematics and 6 in one Science.
The indicative Minimum Entry Admissions Score for Geology is 58.
Studying Geology at A level provides a unique opportunity to take a new and dynamic science subject. In your first year of study, you will investigate the rock cycle and how minerals, rocks and fossils provide information on Earth’s history and evolution. In the second year, you will build on and apply your knowledge to investigate the subject better, applying a problem-solving approach.
Studying Geology gives a unique insight into the processes of how planet Earth formed and has evolved over the past 4.5 billion years. The course provides a ‘hands-on’ approach to investigating the materials – rocks, minerals and fossils – either in the lab or on fieldwork, that preserve the evidence of past environments and often, catastrophic events.
Geology is a science, a dynamic subject of interest to students studying ‘How the Earth Works’ and the evidence in the rock record of past geological events that have shaped our planet. Geology combines well with pure sciences and Geography, yet can be studied as a subject on its own.
Want to find out more about your core A level programme?
Future Ready Programme