Level 3
OCR Specification A - H432
2 years
Everything you see around you involves chemistry in some way! Chemistry is the study of the properties, composition, and structure of substances; how they interact, the transformations they undergo, and the energy changes that accompany these processes.
GCSE grade 7 in Chemistry and 7 in Mathematics
GCSE grade 7 in both combined science GCSE's and 7 in Mathematics
The indicative Higher Adjusted Admissions Score for Chemistry is 71.
Chemists provide many of the materials used in everyday life and search for solutions to improve healthcare and tackle future challenges. A deeper knowledge of this fascinating subject will give you a greater understanding of the world in which you live.
If you are interested in finding out about how the world around you works, and relish challenges such as recognising and explaining different patterns of behaviour, then you will enjoy Chemistry. Throughout the course, you will also carry out practical work to develop your skills and enhance your enjoyment and understanding.
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