Adult Education

Modern Greek for Beginners - Level 3

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Modern Greek Beginners Level 3

The Modern Greek Beginners Level 3 course is suitable for students who have already studied Modern Greek for two terms or who have completed approximately 40 hours of tuition.

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    About the course

    The main focus of the Modern Greek Beginners Level 3 course is the effective use of Modern Greek in practical situations.  Students will also develop a fuller understanding of Modern Greek grammar. This will enable them to improve their proficiency in all four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in the foreign language. 

    The Modern Greek Beginners Level 3 course will help students communicate effectively in Greek-speaking contexts. Students will continue to learn new vocabulary and grammatical structures and will be increasingly able to apply their learning to their own needs.

    More information about Adult Education courses

    To book a course, you will need to register online by clicking on the day you would like to attend. Please see the course information below the heading ‘Enrol now for the available days’.

    If no days are available

    If there are no places available, you can register your interest and we will notify you once the course is live in a future term.


    Payment is made in full at the time of booking.

    If you are booking a Level 3 or 4 Counselling course, you will be able to pay for this using a Direct Debit, which you will set up before the course starts in September. Please check the relevant course pages for details.

    Booking on behalf of someone else

    Please register using the student’s correct details including medical conditions, learning support needs and disabilities.